Measuring the synergy between emotional exhaustion and the behavior political of managers

  • FadhelRadi Al – Ghazali Business Administration Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, Graduate Studies, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq
  • Ali Abd Al Razaq Alaboody Economics College Al –Muthanna University
  • Baqer Ali Balchat Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics, University of Qadisiyah, Iraq
Palabras clave: Emotional exhaustion, organizational glue, behavior.


The aim of the study is to investigate the synergy between emotional exhaustion and the strategic behavior political of managers to achieve organizational glue via a statistical set of methods, and the importance relative, and the global empirical analysis through the use of Amos version 23. As a result, there is a correlation between the emotional exhaustion and the political behavior of the managers on the organizational glue. In conclusion, there is a high level of focus by the sample in question to encourage its affiliates to express their personal views in all frankness.
Cómo citar
Al – Ghazali, F., Razaq Alaboody, A. A. A., & Ali Balchat, B. (2019). Measuring the synergy between emotional exhaustion and the behavior political of managers. Opción, 35, 189-204. Recuperado a partir de