Integration of Reflection and Self-Regulation as Factors of Personality’s Self-Actualization

  • Tetiana Dovha, Natalka Kotelianets, Tetiana Plachynda, Yuliia Kotelianets Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine
Palabras clave: Self-Creation, Reflection, Self-Regulation, Learning, Professional.


The study aimed to determine the formation level of future professionals’ reflexive abilities and the development of a steady need for self-regulation of their activities via comparative quantitative research methods. As a result, the number of subjects with high and medium level of development of the reflexive component increased by 17.9% and 5.9%. In conclusion, the integration of reflection and self-regulation has a positive impact on the process of self-creation of the personality of a future professional
Cómo citar
Yuliia Kotelianets, T. D. N. K. T. P. (2019). Integration of Reflection and Self-Regulation as Factors of Personality’s Self-Actualization. Opción, 35, 617-631. Recuperado a partir de