Nominations of the plant world lingocultural aspect

  • Arailym Shormakova1, Lira Ibraymova2, Aizhan Shormakova3 1Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty, Al-Farabi street, 71/27. 2Kazakh National women's teacher training University Almaty, Aiteke bi street, 99. 3The Eurasian Humanities Institute, Astana, M.Zhumabayev Prospect, 3
  • Botakoz Nurzhanova4, Laura Daurenbekova5 4Kazakh National women's teacher training University Almaty, Aiteke bi street, 99. 5The Eurasian Humanities Institute, Astana, M.Zhumabayev Prospect, 3.
Palabras clave: Linguoculturology, Phytonyms, Anthropocentrism, Phytonymic, Concept.


The article investigates the peculiarities of research in the
linguistic and cultural aspect of the flora of the Kazakh language and
the conceptual sphere of vegetation, the cognitive level of the plant
«Zhusan» in the Kazakh language via comparative qualitative research
methods. As a result, the wormwood is a phytonem that have reached
the conceptual level. In conclusion, each language is a symbolic

system that preserves national culture, its culture, its cognitive and
taste, its character and its consciousness, its trades and traditions, its
traditions and wisdom. Therefore, it is most important to study it in
cognitive linguistics.

Cómo citar
Aizhan Shormakova3A. S. L. I., & Laura Daurenbekova5B. N. (2019). Nominations of the plant world lingocultural aspect. Opción, 35(89), 621-639. Recuperado a partir de