Out of court settlement of song and music litigations in Indonesia

  • Hendra Tanuatmaja Universitas Esa Unggul
Palabras clave: Litigation, Arbitration, Song, Music, Piracy.


The aim of the study is to investigate out of court settlement of
song and music litigations in Indonesia by making a Library Research
and adopting a descriptive normative approach. As a result,
agreements dealing with the transfer of music copyright should contain
a provision on the option of making an amicable out-of-court
settlement of disputes or through a dispute settlement mediation
institution. In conclusion, it would be better if every agreement dealing
with the transfer of music copyright also contains a provision on the
option of making an amicable settlement of disputes through a dispute
settlement mediation institution.

Cómo citar
Tanuatmaja, H. (2019). Out of court settlement of song and music litigations in Indonesia. Opción, 35(89), 346-365. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/24420