The Organization Of Dual Teaching Within The Sy

  • Ulzharkyn Аbdigapbarova, Elvira Yeshenkulova, Akbota Seitova Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Znanyl Madalieva, Turgyn Baidauletova, Gulnar Mussabekova International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A.Yasavi, Turkestan,
Palabras clave: future teachers, dual teaching, pedagogical.


The aim of research is to reveal the features of contemporary higher pedagogical education within the context of the studied theme via the analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, sociological, normative documents connected with the research problem. As a result, pedagogical conditions of the organization of dual teaching in the course of professional training of future primary school teachers are developed and implemented. In conclusion, the organization of dual teaching in the system of professional education will be productive if pedagogical conditions of dual teaching of future primary school teachers are theoretically proved, developed and realized.
Cómo citar
Akbota SeitovaU. А. E. Y., & Gulnar Mussabekova, Z. M. T. B. (2019). The Organization Of Dual Teaching Within The Sy. Opción, 35(88), 1009-1036. Recuperado a partir de