Status of Invasion to the Personal Space of Citizens by the Persecutor

  • Aigul Ordaeva Kazakhstan Republic, 161200, Turkestan city, Turgut Ozal Street
  • Yernar Shalkharov, Balgabay Nakipov International Kazakh Turkish University after Yessevi, Kyzylorda State University after Korkyt ata.
  • Manshuk Imanbekova, Zhanat Isaeva Kazakhstan Republic, 161200, Turkestan city, Turgut Ozal Street
Palabras clave: Harassment, Intrusion, Personal Space, Non-Proprietary.


The aim of the study is to investigate the legal status of compulsive harassment, which determines the type of impact, the form of harassment and the level of damage to health via techniques related to an interdisciplinary approach. In result, the stalker maneuvers the types of impact in accordance with a certain phasing, in which he can freely and at his discretion move from the open phase to the closed phase and vice versa depending on the situation. In conclusion, the stalker does not risk first of all conducting any open actions, remaining at the position to be unnoticed
Cómo citar
Ordaeva, A., Balgabay Nakipov, Y. S., & Zhanat Isaeva, M. I. (2019). Status of Invasion to the Personal Space of Citizens by the Persecutor. Opción, 35(88), 364-393. Recuperado a partir de