Cognitive Mechanisms Of Kazakhstan Commercial And Social Advertising Text

  • Aida Nurbayeva Abai Kazakh National pedagogical University, Kazakhstan, 050010, Almaty, 13 Dostyk аve.
  • Gulshara Kunakova, Lelya Bugenova, Gulzhan Kalambayeva, Bakitkul Tansykbayeva 2Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaev Kazakhstan, 050012 Almaty, 97 Shevchenko str.
Palabras clave: Advertising, Cognitive Literary Studies, Compression.


The aim of the study is to investigate Cognitive mechanisms of Kazakhstan commercial and social advertising text via theoretical studies of modern scientists-cognitivists and slogans from the practice of Kazakhstan commercial and social advertising, which have, as it turned out, the similar cognitive characteristics. As a result, drug addiction leads to the destruction of the nervous system, physical health, and, finally, to death. In conclusion, the most effective advertising today is a kind of viewing device in which the viewer is involved due to mixing and compressing information
Cómo citar
Nurbayeva, A., & Gulzhan Kalambayeva, Bakitkul Tansykbayeva, G. K. L. B. (2019). Cognitive Mechanisms Of Kazakhstan Commercial And Social Advertising Text. Opción, 35(88), 280-303. Recuperado a partir de