Representation Of The Concept Of Time In The Linguistic Consciousness

  • Fauziya Sametova Department of Languages and Journalism, Kainar Academy
  • Altynshash Kurmanali Chakyroglu Department of Language Education; Faculty of Education and Humanities, Suleyman Demirel University
  • Bakhytgul Smanova Faculty of Education, South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University
  • Almakul Sarymbetova Department of Foreign Languages, Kazakh National Agrarian University
  • Almash Seidikenova Department of Diplomatic Translation; Faculty of International Relations, Al Farabi Kazakh National University
Palabras clave: Representation, Time, Linguistic Consciousness, Association Experiment.


The article deals with the representation of time in the linguistic consciousness of the representatives of different lingua cultures via comparative qualitative research methods. The paper also examines the results of the free association experiment, the aim of which was to determine the perception of the concept of time. As a result of the data of the associative experiment, the value-based and figurative components of the concept time were revealed. In conclusion, the associative field’s analysis provides an opportunity to access directly the ways of storing images of linguistic consciousness of representatives of different linguistic cultures.
Cómo citar
Sametova, F., Chakyroglu, A. K., Smanova, B., Sarymbetova, A., & Seidikenova, A. (2019). Representation Of The Concept Of Time In The Linguistic Consciousness. Opción, 35(88), 27-52. Recuperado a partir de