Determinants of the performance of gulf commercial bank using the camel model

  • Salim Sallal Rahi, Aqeel Shakir Abd University of Qadisiyah – Iraq
  • Abbas Alwan Shareeef AL-Morshedi AL-Furat AL-Awsat Technical University -- Babylon Technical Institute
Palabras clave: CAMEL, Capital, Profitability, Quality, Liquidity.


The research aimed to analyze the performance by using elements of the CAMEL model, and identify factors that are most impacting on performance via the application of the CAMEL model to the Gulf Commercial Bank. The study found that when looking at all the capital adequacy ratios of the bank and for all years of study, it is much higher than the capital adequacy indicators approved by the Basel Committee. In conclusion, although asset quality ratios vary for years of schooling, they remain a very acceptable proportion.
Cómo citar
Aqeel Shakir Abd, S. S. R., & Shareeef AL-Morshedi, A. A. (2019). Determinants of the performance of gulf commercial bank using the camel model. Opción, 34(1), 1259-1289. Recuperado a partir de