Hashim bin Utba: His Biography and Role in Islam

  • Bashar Abdul- Jabbar Shibib Presidency of the University of Diyala, College of Education for Human Sciences, Department of History
Palabras clave: Biography, Role, Islam, Hashim bin Utba.


The aim of the study is to investigate biography of Hashim bin Utba and his role in Islam via qualitative comparative methods. As a result, our Arab Islamic history has witnessed many influential figures in historical events, especially the character of Hashim bin Utba, who was characterized by determination, courage. Although he was mentioned many of our historical sources about his positions and wars, he overlooked the year of his birth and some of his wives and children. In conclusion, he was known of his strength, tolerance, bravery, morals, and locality in protecting Islam from enemies
Cómo citar
Jabbar Shibib, B. A.-. (2019). Hashim bin Utba: His Biography and Role in Islam. Opción, 34(1), 1223-1235. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/24180