Orientation of musical disciplines as a condition for the formation of competencies

  • Natalia Anufrieva Russian State Social University, Russia
  • Irina Avramkova Institute of Music, Theatre and Choreography, Russia
  • Irina Korsakova, Marina Pereverzeva, Anna Shcherbakova Russian State Social University, Russia
Palabras clave: Education, Professional Training, Specialty Orientation.


The article reveals the essence and specificity of the concept professional training of a specialist in the musical sphere, highlights its fundamental aspects via analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and special literature on the studied problem. As a result, the concept of a specialty orientation of musical disciplines is considered as a condition for the formation of key competences of specialists in the area of culture and the art areas. In conclusion, the orientation of the entire educational complex to the ultimate goal of the student preparation process is a condition for the implementation of the modern education paradigm
Cómo citar
Anufrieva, N., Avramkova, I., & Anna Shcherbakova, I. K. M. P. (2019). Orientation of musical disciplines as a condition for the formation of competencies. Opción, 34(1), 1048-1076. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/24173