Relationship between Brand Personality and cognitive dissonance

  • Atheer Abdulamer Al Mashady, Hana J Mohammed Al Askary Department of Businesses Management, College of Administration and Economics, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq
  • Huda Mahdi Hasan Department of Finance and Banking, College of Imam Kadhim
Palabras clave: Brand Personality, Cognitive Dissonance, Purchase.


The current research is intended disclosure to investigate the relationship and influence between the Brand Personality and cognitive dissonance via descriptive and analytical method. As a result, the personality of the brand relationships (correlation, effect) has a positive statistical function with the variables of cognitive dissonance combined. From the main conclusions of research are the responses of the research sample varied to the variable of brand sincerity by the sense of joy when dealing with that brand in addition to the benefit of its use.
Cómo citar
Hana J Mohammed Al Askary, A. A. A. M., & Mahdi Hasan, H. (2019). Relationship between Brand Personality and cognitive dissonance. Opción, 34(1), 545-577. Recuperado a partir de