Enhancing accessibility of higher education through the system of educational credits

  • Valiev, Shamil Z Department chief of scientific editions in the Institute of Economics and Service, Ufa State Oil University, Ufa, Russia. Area of scientific interests: Education, financing and credit, organization management.
  • Aida Kh Talipova State budget scientific organization Academy of Sciences of Bashkortostan Republic, Ufa, Russia. Area of scientific interests: Economics of Labor, Educational Crediting.
Palabras clave: credits, accessibility, higher education, state


The aim of the study is to investigate enhancing accessibility of higher education through the system of educational credits. The methodological basis of the present research were theories, doctrines and approaches of scientists, studying the problem of educational crediting and accessibility of higher education. In result, the model of the educational crediting system with the state support consists of three blocs: the bloc of agreement (№1), the organizational-functional bloc (№2), the receiving credit bloc (№3). In conclusion, these blocs enable us to determine the functions and responsibility of each system structure.
Cómo citar
Shamil Z, V., & Talipova, A. K. (2019). Enhancing accessibility of higher education through the system of educational credits. Opción, 35, 1031-1056. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/24072