Challenges and opportunities on Islamic inheritance distribution in Indonesia

  • Dian Berkah MHI1 Doctor Candidate of Islamic Economic Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia And lecturer of Muhammadiyah Univeristy of Surabaya,
  • Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono Lecturer of Economic faculty, Airlangga University
  • Abd. Hadi, M.Ag Lecturer at Islamic State University Sunan Ampel, Surabaya,
Palabras clave: Challenges, Opportunities, Islamic inheritance


This paper seeks to identify the challenges and opportunities for inheritance distribution in Indonesia by using a library-based study method which is a kind of qualitative research approach. As a result, the potential funding sourced from the estate's people would be the greatest opportunity for Indonesia as an income of the people beside zakat funds and waqf. In conclusion, identification of the challenges and opportunities in inheritance distribution may benefit the religion court in completing inheritance distribution
Cómo citar
MHI1D. B., Sawarjuwono, T., & M.Ag, A. H. (2019). Challenges and opportunities on Islamic inheritance distribution in Indonesia. Opción, 35, 444-458. Recuperado a partir de