Habilidades integrales del currículo ecuatoriano desde la agenda 2030 Organización de las Naciones Unidas

Comprehensive skills of the ecuadorian curriculum from the 2030 Agenda United Nations Organization

  • Tania Quezada Lozada Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Caracas. Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
Keywords: Skills, Ecuadorian curriculum, Agenda 2030


This study starts from the explanation of the integral skills with the objective of
demonstrating at the level of general basic education of the Ecuadorian curriculum the integral
skills that respond to the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations Organization. Among its theoretical
references are Sala (2011), Price (2013) and the World Forum on Education (2015). The research
was descriptive and the documentary design. The techniques used were review of bibliographic
sources and content analysis, using a matrix of analysis for the organization and characterization
of the data. It is concluded that the integral skills that respond to the 17 sustainable development
objectives of the 2030 Agenda, are visualized in the curriculum of the levels of Ecuadorian
compulsory education in legal considerations, in the principles for curricular development, in the
areas of knowledge, in the general objectives and in the exit profile.


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Constitución de la República del Ecuador (2008). Asamblea Nacional. https://www.cec-
epn.edu.ec/wp-content/uploads/constitucion. Recuperado 11/5/2019
Foro Mundial sobre la Educación (2015). Educación 2030.
https://www.un.org/es/documents/education2030. Consultado 5-5-2019
Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural (2011). Asamblea Nacional. Ecuador:
Consultado el 24-4-2019
Ministerio de Educación (2016). Currículo de los niveles de educación obligatoria. Ecuador:
https://educacion.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/ Consultado 28/4/2019
Organización de la Naciones Unidas (2015). Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo
Sostenible. https://www.unesco.org/new/es/santiago/agenda 2030/ Consultado 17-4-2019
Price, Fisher (2013). Habilidades integrales. htps:// babibumty.blogspot.com//habilidades-
integrales. Consultado 17/4/2019
Sala, J. I (2011). Habilidades del siglo XXI. https://
qualitaslearning.com/w/c/t/WB4KTSOR/habilidades_sxxi. Consultado 20/4/2019
UNESCO (2015). Declaración Incheon Educación 2030.
https://www.unesco.org/educacion2030. Consultado 8/5/2019.
How to Cite
Quezada Lozada, T., & Ávila Finol, M. (2023). Habilidades integrales del currículo ecuatoriano desde la agenda 2030 Organización de las Naciones Unidas: Comprehensive skills of the ecuadorian curriculum from the 2030 Agenda United Nations Organization . Omnia, 25(2 y 3), 37-51. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/omnia/article/view/39539