Analysis of academic performance in calculus I. Case: bain education, mention: Mathematic and Plisses LUZ

  • Sandra Quero Universidad del Zulia
  • Gabriela Nucete Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Academic Performance, Learning of Differential Calculus, Cognitive Deficits, motivation


The study of the Differential Calculus supposes a series of obstacles that the student will be winning as it decides to learn it and understands therole that has this knowledge in their professional career. Has observed a highnumber of failed students and unassistants in the subject Calculus I of theBachelor’s degree of Mathematical and Physical Education; for it, the intention of the investigation is to analyze the possible reasons of this low performance and to recommend some solutions that contribute to neutralizing them,since they are the teachers of mathematics and physical of the future. The obtained results they are had: high percentage in cognitive deficits, few existence of habits of study, few search of advisings and consultations, strategiesmetacognitivas and technological sub-used resources. Likewise, concludes that the nature that these results originate they are: insufficient number of teachers of mathematics in institutions of average education, few academicmotivation on the part of the student, among others.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Quero, Universidad del Zulia

Profesora Titular del Departamento de Matemática y Física de LUZ. Licenciada en Educación, Mención Matemática y Física LUZ, (1992), Magister Scientiarum en Matemáticas Aplicadas (LUZ,1997). Actualmente es Jefa de la Cátedra de Cálculo del mencionado departamento.

Gabriela Nucete, Universidad del Zulia

Profesora Agregado del Departamento de Matemática y Física de LUZ. Licenciada en Educación, Mención Matemática y Física LUZ, (1997), Magister Scientiarum en Matemáticas Mención Docencia (LUZ, 2004).


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How to Cite
Quero, S., & Nucete, G. (2018). Analysis of academic performance in calculus I. Case: bain education, mention: Mathematic and Plisses LUZ. Omnia, 24(2), 27-42. Retrieved from