Legacies and new obstacles for an inclusive water governance: the California experience

Palabras clave: water governance, water inequalities, public participation, environmental justice


Scholars from different political approaches argue that governance may harmonize antagonistic interests. However, governance’s concept is still imprecise, and it has been used in a contradictory way. This paper’s aim is to discuss governance limitations to overcome obstacles regarding land monopolization and water ‘commoditization’. Through California experience, this paper shows how historic legacies have reinforced changes in commodity market, narrowing the margin of maneuver of vulnerable households. Inclusive governance may be the best shot to reduce inequalities regarding water access, but it is not a magical solution. There is a long way to follow and political fights still must happen.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alberto de Oliveira

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brasil. E-mail: alberto@ippur.ufrj.br. ORCID: 0000-0002-2920-3958


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Cómo citar
de Oliveira , A. (2021). Legacies and new obstacles for an inclusive water governance: the California experience. Espacio Abierto, 30(4), 213-226. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/espacio/article/view/37335