Venezuelan migration. Return in time of Pandemic (COVID 19)

  • Emilio Osorio Álvarez Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Mauricio Phélan C Universidad Central de Venezuela
Keywords: Return migration, Covid-19, international mobility, population, Venezuela


Thousands of Venezuelan have returned to the country in the context of a humanitarian crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. Since 2015, Venezuelans’ flight, mainly to Latin American countries, has quintupled those who left during the 1999-2014 period. The pandemic and its political, economic, and social consequences in the host countries paralyzed the Venezuelan population’s mobilization and forced many of them to return, mainly by land. This exploratory, qualitative, and documentary work investigated the underlying causes that motivated people’s return from their host countries. The document presents the testimonies of 31 migrants extracted from the digital press, comments on social networks, from two in-depth interviews, and international statistics. The article has organized into four parts: the first offers a perspective of Venezuelan migration, placing it in two great moments marked by political and economic milestones that will be decisive in the type and destination of Venezuelan mobility; The second section provides the theoretical foundation for the explanation of migratory return; then, the methodological design helped answer the questions posed; finally, a comprehensive vision of the results, the discussion of the findings and some final reflections are shared. One of our main findings associated with the migrants that have had returned to Venezuela is that they are mainly vulnerable and needy people, those who, in the most critical moments of their insertion process, felt paralyzed or frustrated by no fault of their own


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How to Cite
Osorio Álvarez, E., & Phélan C, M. (2020). Venezuelan migration. Return in time of Pandemic (COVID 19). Espacio Abierto, 29(4), 118-138. Retrieved from