Methods, Techinques and Researchers. Methodological Reflections on the Study of Disability

  • Albertina Pretto University of Trento. Italy.


The article aims to offer some reflections and considerations
arising from a case study regarding people with physical and
sensory disabilities. Starting with a brief overview on the
importance of the qualitative method in the study of disability,
and on the use of some qualitative research techniques applied
to this context, The article intends to highlight how, in some
cases, qualitative interviews can provide better results than
other techniques. Nevertheless, some difficulties can emerge
also using qualitative interviews, in particular with deaf
people. Moreover, since the research team included a disabled
researcher, the article describes some problems that the latter
(but not only) faced during the research.


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How to Cite
Pretto, A. (2018). Methods, Techinques and Researchers. Methodological Reflections on the Study of Disability. Espacio Abierto, 26(3), 47-66. Retrieved from