Green economy as discursive averse to climate change in Brazilian weekly magazines

  • Cláudia Herte de Moraes Federal University of Santa Maria. Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


In this paper we present and discuss the construction and articulation of these discourses during the coverage of Rio + 20, a conference that had as its main theme the Green Economy. The brazilian magazines Veja, Isto É, Época and Carta Capital are analyzed. We use Journalism Theories, under the theoretical-methodological perspective of Discourse Analysis, to understand how the selections presented in each journal determine that the reports have a certain focus and, with this, we identify the "discursive framework" of each publication. However, to address the growing debate globally, since the IV Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the discourse that predominates in the articles analyzed is that of the green economy, and is then considered as the basis of the hegemonic discursive formation.


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How to Cite
Herte de Moraes, C. (2017). Green economy as discursive averse to climate change in Brazilian weekly magazines. Espacio Abierto, 26(2), 41-60. Retrieved from
En foco: Ambiente, Sociedad y Comunicación