Vol. 21 No. 1-2 (2020): Divulgaciones Matemáticas

The Editorial Board of Divulgaciones Matemáticas is pleased to present the Vol. 21, No. 1-2, 2020. The articles contained in this volume are those received during the second semester of the year 2019 and during 2020, wich ones were evaluated and accepted for publication, before the edition of this volume.

It is important to clarify that this volume contains the two numbers pertaining to the year 2020, due to the low demand of articles by authors and the complicated global situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic that is being experienced, in particular, in our country Venezuela. The journal only shows six (6) articles in the Research Articles section, one (1) article in the Expository and Historical Articles section and a manuscript with the solution of three (3) problems presented in the Problems and Solutions section, presenting this a new problem to solve proposed in the EGMO (European Girls Mathematical Olympiad) 2020, carried out virtually.

The editorial work related to this volume is the result of the efforts of some members of the Department of Mathematics of the Experimental Faculty of Sciences. The Editors want to express their gratitude to all of those who made this volume possible: to the authors of the presented works, who gave their vote of confidence to the journal; to the referees, who evaluated the articles with selfless work, guaranteeing the quality standards of the journal and significantly improving the way of working; to the editorial team of Divulgaciones Matemáticas; and especially to Professor José Heber Nieto, for his contribution to the Problems and Solutions section. To all of them, thanks a lot.

The journal is now in the portal of Revistas Científicas y Humanísticas de la Universidad del Zulia (ReviCyHLUZ) wich oficial webpage is: produccioncientificaluz.org. Now the articles are identify with the letterhead of Sistema de Servicios Bibliotecarios y de Información de LUZ (SERBILUZ). Furthermore, the journal have two oficial webpages: divmat.demat-fecluz.org and produccioncientificaluz.org, where will be published the articles y it will may download in a free way. All these with the purpose to give more expantion and recognition to the journal.

Finally, the Editorial Board of Divulgaciones Matemáticas ask for apologize to the authors of the articles published here for the inconvenient the delate of the edition of this volumes made, we thanks your wait. Furthermore, we invite the Venezuelan and international mathematical community to continue giving their support by submitting their articles to our journal for evaluation and possible publication.

Published: 2020-12-27

Research papers

Expository and historical papers

Problem and Solutions