Boundary Estimation with the Fuzzy Set Regression Estimator

  • Jesús A. Fajardo Departamento de Matemática, Núcleo de Sucre, Universidad de Oriente, Cumaná 6101, República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Keywords: Fuzzy set regression estimator, boundary estimation


In order to extend the properties of the fuzzy set regression estimation method and provide new results related to the nonparametric regression estimation problems not based on kernels, this paper analyzes the possible boundary effects, if any, of the fuzzy set regression estimator and presents a criterion to remove it. Moreover, a boundary fuzzy set estimator is proposed which is defined as a particular class of fuzzy set regression estimators, where the bias, variance, mean squared error and function that minimizes the mean squared error of the proposed estimator are given. Finally, these theoretical findings are illustrated through some numerical examples, and with one real data example. Simulations show that the proposed estimator has better performance at points near zero in a spread neighborhood of the smoothing parameter, when it is compared with a general boundary kernel regression estimator for the two regression models and two density functions considered. The previously exposed represents the natural extension of the recent results to the boundary fuzzy set density estimator case.


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How to Cite
Fajardo, J. A. (2024). Boundary Estimation with the Fuzzy Set Regression Estimator. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 82-106. Retrieved from
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