The Ramsey numbers for three graphs and three colors.

  • José Figueroa Departamento de Quı́mica, Universidad Clodosbaldo Russián Cumaná, Venezuela.
  • Tobı́as Rosas Soto Departamento de Matemática, Universidad del Zulia, Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
  • Henry Ramı́rez Departamento de Higiene y Seguridad Laboral Universidad Clodosbaldo Russián Cumaná, Venezuela.
  • Armando Anselmi Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Oriente, Cumaná, Venezuela.
Keywords: Ramsey numbers, graph coloring, combinatorial numbers, graph union, graph superposition


Given a graph $\Psi$ of order $t$, simple, finite, and non-empty. An superposition of $\Psi$ will be called the complete graph $K_{t}$ defined by $\Psi\cup\overline{\Psi}$, where $\overline{\Psi}$ denotes the complement of $\Psi$. So, given two graphs $G$ and $H$, simple, connected, finite, non-empty, and two different colors. The Ramsey number $R(G, H)$, is defined as the smallest positive integer $t$ such that there exists some graph $\Psi$ that contains a monochrome copy $G'$ of $G$, or $\overline{\Psi}$ contains a monochrome copy $H'$ of $H$, and $K_{t}$ is a superposition of $\Psi$, that is, $\Psi$ is a subgraph of $K_{t}$. Similarly, given three graphs $G$, $H_{1}$, and $H_{2}$, simple, connected, finite non-empty, and three distinct colors $\{0,1,2\}$, is defined as the Ramsey number $R(G,H_{1},H_{2})$ to the smallest positive integer $t$ such that there exists a triplet of graphs $(\Psi,\Psi_{1},\Psi_{2})$ that satisfy the following: (1) $\overline{\Psi}=\Psi_{1}\cup\Psi_{2}$; (2) The complete graph $K_{t}$ is the superposition of $\Psi$; (3)$|V(K_{t})|=|V(\Psi)|=|V(\Psi_{1})|=|V(\Psi_{2})|$; (4) $E(\Psi_{1})\cap E(\Psi_{2})=\emptyset$; and (5) The graph $\Psi$ contains a monochrome copy $G'$ of $G$, or from $\Psi_{1}$ can be made a monochrome copy $H'_{1}$ of $H_{1}$, or from $\Psi_{2}$ a monochrome copy $H'_{2}$ of $H_{2}$ can be extracted. In this work it is shown that, for $n\geq 4$, given the graphs $K_{n}$ a complete graph, $W_{n}$ a roll graph, and $D_{4}$ a diamond graph. If $t=\mbox{m\'ax}\{|K_{n}|,|W_{n}|,|D_{4}|\}$, then $R(K_{n},W_{n},D_{4})=t+2$, for $t\in \mathbb{Z}^{+}\setminus\{1,2,3,4\}$.


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How to Cite
Figueroa, J., Rosas Soto, T., Ramı́rezH., & Anselmi, A. (2024). The Ramsey numbers for three graphs and three colors. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 12-28. Retrieved from
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