Trigonometric circular geoplany: A didactic resource for the teaching of Geometry.

  • Derling José Mendoza Velazco Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador UNIB.E, Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas INCYT
Keywords: Mathematics education, Trigonometry, meaningful learning


The diculty in the teaching process of Trigonometry, served as a stimulus for the present investigation, whose objective was to design and propose the use of a Trigonometric Circular Geoplan for the construction of signicant learning in the area of Mathematics at the Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador UNIB.E. For its development, a eld investigation was carried out, descriptive type, under the special project modality. As key informants, there was the participation of twenty (20) students and three (3) teachers who work in the first semester of the institution mentioned above. To collect the information, the observation technique and the interview were used, and as an instruments the observation guide and guide for the interview, submitted to a validity process. The reliability was done through the standardization of the records through categorization, then the ndings were analyzed based on a qualitative descriptive analysis to elaborate the conclusions in search of the proposed objectives on the design and use of a didactic tool that contributes positively to the teaching and learning of Geometry, in the same way, the motivation and receptivity was observed when using the Geoplane, in order to allow to develop innovative methodologies that provide a change of the andragogic practice, as it is, teach learning skills that last for a lifetime.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Velazco, D. J. (2018). Trigonometric circular geoplany: A didactic resource for the teaching of Geometry. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 19(2), 65-81. Retrieved from
Mathematical teaching papers