Topics of Ultrafilters

  • Franklin Galindo Departamento de Lógica y Filosofı́a de la Ciencia, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Colaborardor Visitante del Departamento de Matemáticas del IVIC
Keywords: ultrafilters, ultrafilter applications, nonprincipal ultrafilter on N


Ultrafilters are very important mathematical objects in mathematical research [6, 22, 23]. There are a wide variety of classical theorems in various branches of mathematics where ultrafilters are applied in their proof, and other classical theorems that deal directly with ultrafilters. The objective of this article is to contribute (in a divulgative way) to ultrafilter research by describing the demonstrations of some such theorems related (uniquely or in
combination) to topology, measurement theory, algebra, combinatorial infinite, set theory and first-order logic, also formulating some updated open problems of set theory that refer to non-main ultrafilters on N, the Mathias’s model and the Solovay’s model.


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Mathematics: Why is compactness in log called compactness? https://math.
How to Cite
Galindo, F. (2020). Topics of Ultrafilters. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 21(1-2), 54-77. Retrieved from
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