Best proximity point results for Geraghty p-proximal cyclic quasi-contraction in uniform spaces

  • Joy Chinyere Umudu University of Jos
  • Johnson Olajire Olaleru University of Lagos
  • Adesanmi Alao Mogbademu University of Lagos
Keywords: Best proximity point, cyclic contraction, Geraghty p-proximal quasi-contraction, Geraghty p-proximal cyclic quasi-contraction, uniform spaces


In this work, we develop Geraghty p-proximal cyclic quasi-contraction in uniform spaces. The existence and uniqueness of best proximity points for these contractions are proved. The main results, apart from the fact that they are new in literature, generalize several other similar results in literature. An illustrative example is given to validate the applicability of the results obtained.


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How to Cite
Chinyere Umudu, J., Olajire Olaleru, J., & Alao Mogbademu, A. (2020). Best proximity point results for Geraghty p-proximal cyclic quasi-contraction in uniform spaces. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 21(1-2), 21-32. Retrieved from