Influence of physical exercise on the strengthening of immunity. Mathematical model.

  • Annia Ruiz Sánchez Mathematics Department, Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Oriente
  • Daniela Sara Rodrı́guez Salmon Mathematics Department, Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Oriente
  • Sandy Sánchez Domı́nguez Mathematics Department, Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Oriente
  • Yuri Alcántara Olivero Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Oriente
  • Adolfo Arsenio Fernández Garcı́a Physics department, Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Oriente
  • Isabel Martén Powell University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba
  • Antonio Iván Ruiz Chaveco University of the State of Amazonas
Keywords: Mathematical model, epidemic, physical exercises, immunity


In the present work we analyze how physical exercises can influence the increase of a person’s immunity; a study of the different types of pathogens is carried out, in particular the characteristics of viruses, their manifestations and appearance are investigated; the characteristics of the immune system as well as immunity, either innate or acquired, are studied. The relationship between viruses and a person’s immune system is investigated, as well as how the immune system can react to the presence of a virus. The dynamics of the interaction of the virus vs the immune system is simulated by means of a system of ordinary differential equations, the equilibrium points and the behavior of the trajectories in a neighborhood of the equilibrium points are determined, additionally the critical case of a zero and negative one eigenvalue, giving conclusions about the process in the different cases.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Sánchez, A., Rodrı́guez SalmonD. S., Sánchez Domı́nguezS., Alcántara Olivero, Y., Fernández Garcı́aA. A., Martén Powell, I., & Ruiz Chaveco, A. I. (2021). Influence of physical exercise on the strengthening of immunity. Mathematical model.: Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 22(1), 40-51. Retrieved from

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