Schlict solution of Briot-Bouquet diferential subordinations involving linear sums

  • Ajai P. Terwase Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Plateau State University Bokkos, Nigeria
  • Opoola T. O. Department of Mathematics, University of Ilorin,Ilorin, Nigeria.
  • Babalola K.O. K. O. Department of Mathematics, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Keywords: Analytic function, subordination, Hadamard product, linear combination


It is well know that many important classes of univalent functions, for example the convex and starlike functions, are related through their derivatives by functions of positive real parts. These functions plays an important part in problem solving from signal theory, moment problems and in constructing quadrature formulas among other applications. This paper focus on an important classes of an analytic function with positive real part defined by linear sums, of particular interest is its order of schlictness in the unit disc E .



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How to Cite
Terwase, A. P., T. O., O., & K. O., B. K. (2017). Schlict solution of Briot-Bouquet diferential subordinations involving linear sums. Divulgaciones Matemáticas, 18(2), 26-34. Retrieved from