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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The letter of declaration of originality is sent as an attached file.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The section of the journal in which you want to publish the submission file is indicated.
  • The submission article is prepared in the LaTex format used by the journal (template.tex), and the submission .tex and .pdf files are provided.
  • All images or files necessary to compile the article's .tex file are attached, and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The submission file contains a summary in Spanish and English, and two classifications (one primary and one secondary) from the AMS 2010 (MSC 2010).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Regulations for articles.

Author Guidelines

Mathematical correctness is the first requirement for an article to be published. In second place, the exposition style should be attractive and most fluid and organized as possible. For research works the relevance and originality of the results will be taken into account.

The third requirement to agree on the evaluation and possible publication of an article is its preparation in LaTeX (LaTeX Manual) using a predefined template by the journal (template.tex). We ask the authors to respect the internal instructions given in the provided template. The source file (.tex) and a version .dvi, .pdf or .ps (printable) should be sent by email to If the article contains figures, these should be attached as separate files in .jpg or .png formats

The fourth and last requirement is to provide the Editorial Board with the data (name, email, institution where they work) of three specialists in the area of the manuscript that is being submitted.

The languages accepted by the journal are Spanish and English. When submitting an article, the author must include a separate letter stating that the article has not been published or submitted to another journal in total or partial way. The letter should contain the following information: Full name of author or authors, article title, signature of the author who submitts the article (corresponding author), and a declaration of conformity of the other authors.

When submitting a manuscript, the author or authors, should suggest the section of the journal in which the work should be included, namely research papers, expository and historical papers, mathematics teaching papers.

Articles should be organized into the following sections:

Identification. This should include:

* Full title in Spanish and English.

* Short title for the article.

* Full name and full address of author or authors.

* Institutional affiliation.

* Electronic address.

* Two classifications, one primary and one secondary, of five characters of the AMS (MSC 2010).

Abstract: Text of not more than two hundred words simplify essentially what is presented throughout the work, if it it possible do not include formulas and bibliographic references. You should take into account aspects such as

* Work objectives.

* Methodology used.

* Result.

* Following the abstract should include three to five key words or phrases.

Resumen: A Spanish language translation of the above in the abstract.



Thankful (optional).

References (use the style exemplified in the template).


Research papers

This section of the journal includes those articles that contain original results, not previously published. Articles on mathematics applied to any other science qualify for this section.

Expository and historical papers

This section of the magazine includes articles that contain novel, educational or historical expositions of well-known topics. This section qualifies the "surveys" and the works of popularization of interesting but little diffused topics.

Mathematical teaching papers

This section of the magazine includes articles that address, from any point of view, the problem of mathematics teaching. Works that refer to classroom research and specific educational experiences are preferred.

Problem and Solutions

In this section those problems that can be tackled by an undergraduate math student without specialized knowledge are accepted and published. Known open issues are not acceptable. Original and interesting problems are preferred. Proposals must be accompanied by the solution, or at least with sufficient information that makes it reasonable to think that a solution can be found.