Guide for authors

Conditions of receipt of originals

1.- The Journal of Mathematical Disclosures of the University of Zulia (DIVMAT) will consider for publication related works in all branches of Mathematics, its teaching and applications to other sciences. The works to be published must be original, unpublished and of proven quality.

2.- DIVMAT receives the following types of jobs.

  • Basic and / or applied research articles, that is, those that contain original results, not previously published. These can have a maximum of twenty (20) pages.

  • Expository or historical articles, that is, novel, educational or historical exhibitions on well-known topics. This section qualifies the "surveys" and the works of popularization of interesting but little diffused topics. They can have a maximum of twenty-five (25) pages.

  • Mathematical teaching articles, that is, those that address the teaching problem from any point of view. Works that refer to classroom research and specific educational experiences are preferred. These can have a maximum of twenty (20) pages.

  • Manuscripts for the Problems and Solutions section. This includes: Problems, together with their solution, so that they are proposed to the public for their solution; and solutions to problems proposed in any number of the magazine for them to be published, may have a maximum of fifteen (15) pages.

3.- Papers must be written in LaTex language using the journal template (template.tex) for authors, including all the information that it requests.

4.- The .tex and .pdf formats of the manuscript must be sent to the journal's official email. If the manuscript has illustrations (images, figures) that are not made with the LaTex language, these illustrations must be sent in .png or .jpg format.

5.- Papers must be accompanied by a submission request and a letter of declaration of originality addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, where ALL the authors clearly submit the manuscript to the review and opinion of DIVMAT.

6.- DIVMAT requests the sending of a list of three (3) possible referees (at least 2 with different affiliations from the authors), with 4th or 5th level academic training and with proven research in the area.



Format for articles.

1.- The work must be prepared in the LaTex language, using the magazine template, otherwise it will be returned.

2.- The maximum length of the document sent must be fulfilled according to the type of work:

  • Research articles, a maximum of fifteen (20) pages.

  • Popular or historical articles, a maximum of fifteen (25) pages.

  • Mathematical teaching articles, a maximum of twenty (20) pages.

  • Solutions of exercises for the section of problems and solutions, a maximum of fifteen (15) pages.

3.- The size of the paper to be selected in the processor must be Letter type.

4.- All pages must be written in a single column and in any case the number of pages includes text, figures, tables and bibliographic references.

5.- The content for the writing of the work is distributed in sections, which are mentioned below:

5.1- Identification. This must include: Full title of the work in Spanish (Castilian) and English; Short title for the work (present in the header of the manuscript); Full name and full address of the author or authors; Institutional affiliation of the author or authors; email; Two five-character classifications from the AMS (MSC 2010), one primary and one secondary.

5.2.- Summary. Text of no more than two hundred (200) words that essentially simplifies what is presented throughout the work. It must take into account aspects such as: Objectives of the work, Methodology used, Result. Following the abstract, three to five key words or phrases should be included. These words must be separated by commas and must be written in decreasing order of importance, from general to specific.

5.3.- Abstract. Translation into English of everything stated in the summary. If the article is in Spanish, the abstract comes first and then the abstract; it is placed in vice versa if the article is in English.

5.4.- Introduction.

5.5.- Development. In this section, the author, or authors, is free to subdivide it and the sections that he considers necessary. Example: Preliminaries, Methodology, conclusions, etc.

5.6.- Acknowledgments (optional).

5.7.- Bibliographic references. They must be included at the end of the text. The list of references should only include the titles that have been cited throughout the text and will be written in alphabetical order. Whenever possible, URLs and DOI number are provided for references. The format must conform to the one set out in the magazine template, those that are not described, please consult.

  • The bibliographic references of articles must be complete and contain: author (s) (in upper and lower case), title (in italics), journal, volume (in bold) and number, year of publication (in parentheses) and pages. For example: Keskin, A .; Noiri, T. and Yuksel S. Idealization of decomposition theorem, Acta Math. Hung., 102 (4) (2004), 269–277.

  • The bibliographic references of books must include: Author (s) (in upper and lower case), title, publisher, place of publication, year, pages. For example: Kuratowski, K. Topology, Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York, 1966.

  • Web References - Full URL and date last accessed must be provided.

6.- Figures, images and / or graphics can be in .png, .jpg formats (that have a high resolution, between 300 and 400 dpi) or elaborated within the document in LaTex. If you include any that have been published by other authors, you must have the permission of their copyright owners. Vector graphics that contain fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files.

7.- Tables and figures must be included within the corresponding text (not grouped at the end of it) and with their respective legend; in the upper part if it is Table and in the lower part if it is figure.

8.- Mathematical equations and symbols must be clear and legible.

9.- The citation of references can be done in various ways, ensuring the greatest possible homogeneity. For example: (see [7]); Fermat et. to the. expressed in [7], as can be seen in [7].

10.- Authors must take into account the International Nomenclature Standards (symbols, units and abbreviations).