Productive performance of the “green terror” (Andinoacara Rivulatus) fish during the fattening stage when fed diets with passion fruit cake (Passiflora Edulis)
Rendimiento productivo de la especie del pez nativo “terror verde” (Andinoacara Rivulatus)” durante la etapa de engorde cuando se alimenta con dietas con torta de Maracuyá (Passiflora Edulis)
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of diets containing passion fruit cake on the productive performance of the “green terror” (Andinoacara rivulatus)”. Fish were fed four passion fruit diets (T1: 0%, T2: 3%, T3: 6%, T4: 9%) for 30 days. The weight increase (WI), relative weight increase (RWI), growth rate (GR), incremental growth rate (IGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), dry matter digestibility, gross protein digestibility (GPD), gross energy digestibility (GED), protein efficiency rate (PER), productive value of protein (PVP), and feed cost were assessed. There were no differences in the final weight, WI, RWI, GR and IGR values between T1 and T2; only the diet in T3 and T4 showed poorer results than the T1 diet. FCR was higher in the control diet (T1) and in T4 than in T2 and T3. As the percentage of passion fruit increased, the cost of the diet decreased. GPD and GED did not exhibit differences in T1, T2 and T3, only DT T4 had lower digestibility values. PER of control DT T1 had a better coefficient than T2, T3 and T4. Significant differences were found in PVP between the control DT, T2 and T4. However, the lowest values were obtained with this latter DT. The addition of up to 3-6% passion fruit did not affect the yield, and the cost of the diet was significantly reduced
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