Discovery of two new genera of detritivorous aquatic beetles Toneroides, in the Venezuelan Amazon (Coleoptera: Noteridae: Noterinae)

Keywords: Amazonas, Coleoptera, new species, Tonerus, taxonomy, Venezuela


Analysis of specimens of Tonerus wheeleri(MALUZ) reveals two distinct lineages. This finding led to the description of Tonermorphagen. nov. with two species, T. unguilongasp. nov. and T. submersasp. nov. and  Tonerinusgen. nov. with eight species: Tonerinus amazonassp. nov., T. amazonensissp. nov, T. amazonicussp. nov.,T. hypognathussp. nov., T. pemonussp. nov., T. sazhnevisp. nov., T. spanglerisp. nov. and T.  toboganensissp. nov. Tonerinusgen. nov. differs from TonerusMiller, 2009, in having serrate metatibial spurs, and other diagnostic features.  Tonermorphagen. nov. with long, slightly curved nails on each tarsus for a better grip on rocky stream substrates distinguishes it from both genera in addition to other diagnostic characters of its own. Tonerinusgen. nov. and Tonermorphagen. nov. are distinguished by: Spines on the basal mandiblemargin and lacinia; microspinous margins on femurs and tibiae (very marked on the protibia of Tonerinus); a dorsoventral spur on the protibia; crenulate protarsal nails; serrate metatibial spurs (the posterior one doubly so); bitruncate (Tonerinus) or doubly sinuate (Tonermorpha) apical margin of the proventral process. A detritivorous and scavenging behavior is proposed for adults in all three genera, different from the predatory behavior generally associated with the family Noteridae, based on the spiny characteristics of the mandible and lacinia. All species are described and illustrated in detail, including habitus, genital terminalia, genital sclerites, sclerites and cephalic appendages, locomotion sclerites. Finally the spatial distribution of Toneroides species in Venezuela is presented.


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Author Biography

Mauricio M. García Ramírez, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Laboratorio de Taxidermia y preparados anatómicos“Ramón de Jesús Acosta”, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de La Universidad del Zulia, Edif. De Postgrado, Zulia 4001-A, Apartado. 526, Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
García Ramírez, M. M. (2024). Discovery of two new genera of detritivorous aquatic beetles Toneroides, in the Venezuelan Amazon (Coleoptera: Noteridae: Noterinae). Boletín Del Centro De Investigaciones Biológicas, 58(1), 67-111.