Influence of the hydrological regime on the composition of mangrove sediments in El Tablazo Bay (Maracaibo System)
On the coasts of El Tablazo Bay, between the Gulf of Venezuela and the Strait of Maracaibo, there are communities ofR. mangleexposed to a semiarid climate (500-600 mm of precipitation) under a similar tidal regime. Three areas with different terrestrial runoff and salinity were selected: a) Capitán Chico (CCh) influenced by the low salinity of the water that circulates through the Strait of Maracaibo, b) Caño Flora (CF) with higher salinity derived from the Gulf of Venezuela, and c) Caño Paijana (CP) influenced by the discharge of the Limón River. In each location, the structure of the mangrove was measured, and sediment cores were collected to determine the concentration of organic matter (PPI%), N, P, K, Mg, Ca, and Na. The central hypothesis is that these concentrations are associated with contributions of fluvial sediments and tides. The largest basal area and height of the mangrove was reached in CCh, and in CF the mangrove is denser, with smaller diameter and average height. In the three localities, the concentration of Na in the interstitial water was lower than that of standard seawater. In addition, PPI % and N decrease with sediment depth. The concentrations of K, N and Na in sediment delimit the localities statistically. This suggests that the differentiation is determined by a) the discharge of the Limón River (K contribution), b) the biotic potential (fraction of N in organic matter), and c) the marine influence by surface and subsurface flows in CP and CF.
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