Floristic and structure of riparian forests in a sector of the Yudi and Erebato river, Caura river higher basin, Bolívar state, Venezuela

  • Wilmer A. Díaz-Perez Herbario regional de Guayana, Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Williams Sarmiento Wildlife Conservation Society, estado Bolívar, Venezuela
  • Lucy Perera-Romero Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, estado Bolívar, Venezuela.
Keywords: Guiana shield, phytosociology, floristic composition, riparian forest, rivers Erebato and Yudi, higher Caura basin, Venezuela


On the work related to a project for the study of “big terrestrial vertebrates in indigenous ancestral lands of the higher Caura”, the floristic and structure of riparian forests in a sector of the rivers Erebato and Yudi, upper Caura basin, Venezuela were preliminarily determined. In 42 spots selected to place trap cameras, taking advantage of hunting paths and routs of big animals, a 20 x 20 m plot was set, 21 in Erebato and 21 in Yudi. The species (IVI) and family importance (FIV) in each plot were calculated. A total of 42 families, 111 genera and 149 species were represented in the 1.68 ha of forest. The most species rich family was Leguminosae s.l. (28 species); followed by Sapotaceae (11), Urticaceae (9) and Lauraceae (8). For both places the density of stems > 5 cm DBH varied between 942 (Erebato) and 1208 (Yudi), the number of species from 110 to 132, the genera 84 to 95, the families 38 to 42 and the basal area between 23.81 and 30.36 m2/ha. Fabaceae was the most species rich and the most dominant in basal area (3.37 m2/ha). The most numerous in total stems was Annonaceae (306 ind./ha). The most conspicuous families include Fabaceae, Annonaceae, Burseraceae, Lecythidaceae and Sapotaceae in both sites. The species with more important value in the Yudi river were Anaxagorea breviceps, Eperua jenmanii, Alexa confusa, Micrandra minor and Catostemma comune, whereas in the Erebato river they are A. breviceps, E. jenmanii, A. confusa, Campomanesia aromatica y Amphirrhox longifolia.


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Author Biographies

Wilmer A. Díaz-Perez, Herbario regional de Guayana, Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela.

Herbario regional de Guayana, calle Bolívar, Módulos Laguna El Porvenir, Ciudad Bolívar, 8001, estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Williams Sarmiento, Wildlife Conservation Society, estado Bolívar, Venezuela

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Programa Caura, Puerto Ordaz, 8050, estado Bolívar, Venezuela

Lucy Perera-Romero, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Centro de Investigaciones Ecológicas de Guayana, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, Edificio UNEG Chilemex, Urbanización Chilemex, calle Chile, Puerto Ordaz, 8050, estado Bolívar, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Perez, W. A., Sarmiento, W., & Perera-Romero, L. (2022). Floristic and structure of riparian forests in a sector of the Yudi and Erebato river, Caura river higher basin, Bolívar state, Venezuela. Boletín Del Centro De Investigaciones Biológicas, 56(2), 225-248.