Floristic and structure of the laguna ojo de agua wetland ́s riparian forests, la urbana, cedeño municipality, Bolívar state, Venezuela.

Florística y estructura de los bosques ribereños del humedal laguna ojo de agua, la urbana, municipio cedeño, estado Bolívar,Venezuela.

  • Wilmer A. Díaz-Pérez Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana
  • Nathalit Mojica Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana
  • Judith Rosales Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana
Keywords: Guiana shield, phytosociology, floristic composition, riparian forest, Laguna Ojo de agua, medium Orinoco basin, Venezuela


The floristic composition and structure of the riparian forests on the Laguna Ojo de Agua wetland, La Urbana, Cedeño municipality, Bolivar state, Venezuela were analyzed. For that four places were selected according its position on the flooding gradient: two on levees and two on back swamp. In each place one plot of 50 x 20 m = 1000 m2 was set. Density, dominance, frequency and species (IVI) and family importance value (FIV) were calculated in each plot. A total of 11 families, 17 genera and 18 species were represented in the 0.4 ha. The riparian forests are low (15 m) and medium cover (50-75%), evergreens. For both places the density of the stems > 10 cm DBH varied between 128 (back swamps) and 151 (levees), the number of species and genera from 13 to 10, the families from 9 to 7 and the basal area between 5,09 and 7,93 m2/0.4h. Overall, Caesalpiniaceae was the most numerous intotal stems (162 individuals) and the major basal area (6,69 m2/0.4 ha). According to the FIV, Caesalpiniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Polygonaceae, Fabaceae, and Myrtaceae are the most important in both types of forests. The species with more important value in the back swamps are Tachigali davidsei, Piranhea trifoliata, Ruprechtia tenuiflora y Etaballia dubia, whereas in the levees Tachigali davidsei y Ruprechtia tenuiflora are the predominant ones.


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Author Biographies

Wilmer A. Díaz-Pérez, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana

Herbario regional de Guayana, calle Bolívar, Módulos Laguna El Porvenir, Ciudad
Bolívar, 8001, estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Nathalit Mojica, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana

Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, Vicerrectorado académico, Coordinación general de investigación y postgrado, Edificio UNEG Chilemex, Urbanización Chilemex, calle Chile, Puerto Ordaz, 8050, estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Judith Rosales, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana

Centro de Investigaciones Ecológicas de Guayana, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, Edificio UNEG Chilemex, Urbanización Chilemex, calle Chile, Puerto Ordaz, 8050, estado Bolívar, Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Pérez, W. A., Mojica, N., & Rosales, J. (2021). Floristic and structure of the laguna ojo de agua wetland ́s riparian forests, la urbana, cedeño municipality, Bolívar state, Venezuela.: Florística y estructura de los bosques ribereños del humedal laguna ojo de agua, la urbana, municipio cedeño, estado Bolívar,Venezuela. Boletín Del Centro De Investigaciones Biológicas, 55(2), 186-198.