Modeling the interaction between the RAMSAR wetland lagoon of LaRestinga (Margarita Island, Venezuela) and the CaribbeanSea.

Modelaje de la interacción entreel humedal RAMSAR laguna de La Restinga (Isla de Margarita, Venezuela) y el MarCaribe

  • Adara Daleska González-Hernández Universidad de Oriente
  • Fabiola López-Monroy Universidad de Oriente
Keywords: nitrogen and phosphorus, residence time, coastal lagoons, LOICZ, national park


The water balance and material flow in coastal lagoons are dependent on the exchange with other water bodies such as rivers, groundwater, and the ocean. Those processes are important for the management of the lagoon ecosystems. In order to know how these processes, occur in the RAMSAR wetland lagoon of La Restinga, Venezuela, it was used the mathematical model LOICZ (Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone). This is a box model that provides information about the water and salt balance, nutrient flows and allows estimating the net metabolism of an ecosystem from secondary information. We used existing data from the 2001-2002 emergence period to calculate the model. The results showed that the lagoon is a heterogeneous environment. The east and west are heterotrophic areas where they occur denitrification, while the center is autotrophic with the dominance of N fixation. The residence time wases timate dat 64 days.The water stays 25 day sinthewest zone,34 day sinthe east, and 6 days in the center of the ecosystem.


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How to Cite
González-Hernández, A. D., & López-Monroy, F. (2021). Modeling the interaction between the RAMSAR wetland lagoon of LaRestinga (Margarita Island, Venezuela) and the CaribbeanSea.: Modelaje de la interacción entreel humedal RAMSAR laguna de La Restinga (Isla de Margarita, Venezuela) y el MarCaribe. Boletín Del Centro De Investigaciones Biológicas, 54(2), 145-163. Retrieved from