Flavonoids in fruits of Criolla Roja guava (Psidium guajava L.).
The flavonoids are a large family of plants secundary metabolites, are well known for their human health benefits such as antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic, anticarcinogenic, antibacterial, antifungic, and other beneficial. Because of this wide range of properties is considered necesary determine the flavonoids present in guava fruits as potential source of phytochemicals. In order to determine the con-tent of flavonoids in fruits of Criolla Roja guava (Psidium guajava L.), 20 individuals were selected from the same population of the collection of promising cups guavas of the germplasm bank of the CESID-Frutícola y Apícola-CORPOZULIA. The fruit samples (0.25 g) were subjected to acid hydrolysis and the separation of the flavonols (myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol) and the flavones (apigenin), was performed by HPLC in reverse phase. Significant statistical differences (P˂0.05) were observed in flavonoid content by plant effect. The highest apigenin content was found in the fruits of the plant L-12 (10.77 mg·100 g-1 sample), while the lowest was detected in the fruits of the L-4 (2.50 mg·100 g-1 sample). The highest contents of myricetin (386.72 mg·100 g-1 sample) and quercetin (9.47 mg·100 g-1 sample), on the other hand, was found in fruits of H-13, while kaempferol predominates in fruit of G-13 (18.47 mg·100 g-1 sample). There is a variable concentration of flavonoids in the fruits of P. guajava, Criolla roja variety, thus demonstrating that it constitutes a potential natural source for human consumption and for the food industry.
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