Community Parenting: The Caring Of The Migrant Workers’ Children In East Java, Indonesia

  • Sulikah Asmorowati
  • Dwi Maharani Syndi Pitaloka
  • Rochyati Wahyuni
Palabras clave: Migrant Worker, Children, Community Parenting, Desmigratif


This study examines the caring of the children of migrant workers through community parenting, which is one of the pillars of Program Desa Migran Produktif (Desmigratif) or the Productive Migrant Village Program in Pa- ringan Village, Ponorogo. This research used a qualitative approach. This research found that the parenting done through the ParingArt community has impacted positively on the children of the migrant workers in Paringan village. Specifically, the children who join the ‘ParingArt Community’ enjoy a different environment (and a different way of caring) which has led to dif- ferent feelings, attitudes and behaviours. The children are now more focused on positive activities that can encourage them to produce a masterpiece of art, rather than juvenile children who lack a sense of care.

Biografía del autor/a

Sulikah Asmorowati
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Dwi Maharani Syndi Pitaloka
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Rochyati Wahyuni
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia


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Cómo citar
Asmorowati, S., Syndi Pitaloka, D. M., & Wahyuni, R. (2019). Community Parenting: The Caring Of The Migrant Workers’ Children In East Java, Indonesia. Opción, 35, 772-785. Recuperado a partir de