The Garden as an Art Form and Regeneration of the Territory

  • Carmen Velásquez M. Universidad del Zulia
  • Tomás Pérez Valecillos Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Art, Garden, Regeneration of the Territory


The image of the 19th century of the traditional garden of luxuries and baroque caprices, it was repudiated during the modern movement, where the big asphalt masses were favored, and the gardens were associated with impersonal green spaces. Nevertheless, during the second half of the 60s, the artists - architects, sculptors and others, moved their talents out of the studies, the garrets and the galleries in the landscape, trying to keep the “art of the gardening alive”, giving way to a movement parallel to the other fields of artistic production. The starting point is a descriptive methodology on the transformation of sculptural work into gardens that leads to the integration of the plastic arts with the art of gardening and the relationship between city and nature. All of this demonstrated a progressive interest in residual, marginal and peripheral areas, which has represented an alternative to develop aesthetic experiences, where public art becomes a regenerator of the territory


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How to Cite
Velásquez M. , C., & Pérez Valecillos, T. (2021). The Garden as an Art Form and Regeneration of the Territory. SituArte, 13(24), 26-31. Retrieved from