Analysis of the regulations for the prevention, control and follow-up of eye health in older adults with diabetes

  • Judith Lascano University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Health Sciences. Universidad del Zulia, Graduate Studies Division.
Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy, visual health, control, prevention and follow-up


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the micro- vascular complications that these patients develop, which can lead to blindness and, therefore, deterio- rate the quality of life, especially in people of pro- ductive age and the elderly, generating an impact on their family and social environment. In this context, it can be stated that diabetes with inadequate control causes damage to the ocular vascular system, with neovascularization, macular edema, cotton-wool exudates, among other signs of ocular dysfunction. However, early detection of the disease in humans can facilitate the initiation of treatment and mitigate the health consequences. Diabetic retinopathy can be detected early and treated to avoid serious da- mage to the retina of patients, the purpose of the research was to analyze national and international theoretical references on the prevention, control and monitoring of visual health in older adults with diabetes. The methodology was qualitative-inter- pretative. For the application of this method, five documents associated with: regulations for the prevention, control and follow-up of visual health in older adults with diabetes were selected. The sam- pling was intentional and supported by the following categories of analysis: Institutional and/or theoreti- cal references Prevention measures, Administration of therapeutic options, Follow-up of visual health. In addition, an analysis matrix was constructed that crosses documents and categories studied and in- cludes the analysis of the results derived and con- fronted with the basic theories for discussion. The results coincide in terms of the benefits of making changes in lifestyle and physical exercise on visual health in diabetic patients, emphasizing awareness, detection and early treatment of metabolic endocri- ne diseases, through a multidisciplinary approach.


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How to Cite
Lascano, J. (2023). Analysis of the regulations for the prevention, control and follow-up of eye health in older adults with diabetes. REDIELUZ, 13(1), 113 - 124.