Hidden investigator. The challenge of an outsider

  • Iramna Paola Millano Oberto Estudiante de Medicina-LUZ
Keywords: research, research education, investigative intelligence


Starting a university degree is not an easy path, it is full of new demands, new habits and new study methods. In addition to these new experiences, in the case of a foreign student is added the experience of the learning process of development in a new city and everything that this entails: transportation, access, organization, solitude, which turns this path into a different reality from those students who have their relatives or who have lived in this city from the beginning.


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How to Cite
Millano Oberto, I. P. (2023). Hidden investigator. The challenge of an outsider. REDIELUZ, 13(1), 9. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8077840