Teaching-learning strategies applied by teachers to university students
The teaching-learning strategies applied by teachers are associated with the content to socialize and sensitize students to what they are going to learn. The present research focused on: To analyze the teaching-learning strategies applied by teachers to university students in the Faculty of Humanities, School of Education. Theoretically, it was based on the authors: Arias (2012), Hernández, et al (2014), Ortega, et al (2014), Vargas-Murillo (2020), among others. For the development of the research, the quantitative-positivist paradigm was assumed, of descriptive type and level, field design, non-experimental, cross-sectional. For research purposes, twenty (20) students were selected who met the following inclusion criteria: Regular students in the sixth (6) and seventh (7) semester of the second semester of (2023). A questionnaire was applied to the students consisting of forty (40) items. The results obtained from the answers provided by the surveyed students consider that pre-instructional, co-instructional and post-instructional strategies are not always and almost always applied in the classroom
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