The value of training in educational management of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, University of Zulia
This exhibition arises from the reflection on the principles shared by young students regarding the family and its relationship with the training of future education professionals, which is posed as a study problem "The value of the family present in the students of Educational Management of the Faculty of Humanities and Education of the University of Zulia”. The methodological principles are based on a type of study of a descriptive and analytical nature. The family guides the way of life of the people that integrate it, and everything is to promote the security, joy and peace of each one of its members. It was revealed that the Educational Management subject promotes reflection and action of students from the perspective of values, which shares the value of the family, considering that the formation of a manager's profile begins at home. The manager comes from his family triangle: parents, siblings, who make up the primary system, an important learning laboratory for life, for students. University students are recommended to acquire conceptual, procedural and attitudinal skills, where they promote learning experiences inside and outside the classroom that contribute to the comprehensive professional training of the individual accompanied by family and university support.
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