Personal guidance in promoting comprehensive men-tal health. A reflective analysis

  • Carmen Guillén Universidad del Zulia
  • Leonardo Peña Contreras Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Personal guidance, comprehensive mental health, human potential.


The present study seeks to generate an analysis of the aspects inherent to Personal Guidance within the Empowering process of the individual as an active entity in mental health processes. It includes cognitive, emotional and attitudinal elements of said Professional in the development of technical-generic competencies that must respond to the theoretical-methodological and practical elements related to the counseling and consultation processes in Guidance. The theoretical bases of support come from the postulates generated by Rogers (1992), Moscovici (1985), Castejón and Zamora. (2001) and the Code of Ethics of the Practice of Guidance (2002), The method was developed from Qualitative Research whose tradition is Grounded Theory to produce interpretations of behaviors under study (Annells, 1996; Glaser & Strauss, 1967 ), As results, the beginning of the construction of the theoretical corpus of Personal Guidance is expected to develop its potential.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Guillén, Universidad del Zulia

Licenciada en Educación Mención Preescolar, candidata a Magister Scientiarum en Orientación Mención Educación. Universidad del Zulia LUZ

Leonardo Peña Contreras, Universidad del Zulia

Licenciado en Educación Mención Orientación. Msc en Orientación Mención Laboral. Universidad del Zulia LUZ.


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Código de Ética del Profesional de la Orientación República Bolivariana de Venezuela Federación de Asociaciones de Orientadores de Venezuela (2001).
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How to Cite
Guillén, C., & Peña Contreras, L. (2024). Personal guidance in promoting comprehensive men-tal health. A reflective analysis. Omnia, 30(1), 25-35. Retrieved from