Latin American critical thinking: (Re) thinking the ontological dimension of the political subject in the face of global scenarios

Keywords: Political subject, dialogue, listen, modernity, critical thinking, antihegemonic actions


The essay aims to analyze the figure of the Political Subject as a social coordination capable of manifesting and promoting better ways of life in the face of the advances of Western globalization. Therefore, it opposes commercial hegemony and the exercise of power as a violent imposition of Modernity. As such, it insists on placing the place of enunciation of dialogue and listening, starting from the recognition of the communities. It also proposes coordinating equitable and just ways of life, protected by the democratic condition of societies. This is a bibliographical research of a diachronic nature, organized from a rationalist-deductive approach. It is concluded that grassroots communities require anti-hegemonic actions, in order to promote citizen participation and the creation of spaces for the implementation of dialogic capacity within the communities.


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Author Biography

Yoneida Uriana, Universidad del Zulia

Escuela de Filosofía. Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo, Venezuela


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How to Cite
Uriana, Y. (2024). Latin American critical thinking: (Re) thinking the ontological dimension of the political subject in the face of global scenarios. Omnia, 29(1), 108-122. Retrieved from