Qualitative research and phenomenological-hermeneutic method: a view from intentionality
The purpose of this research was to interpret the definition, characteristics of qualitative research and the phenomenological-hermeneutic method from intentionality. Theoretically it is based on the authors Vargas (2011), Díaz Herrera (2018), Ortiz Cepeda (2012), Pérez Serrano (1998), and Sandín (2003) among others For the development of the research, the qualitative-interpretative paradigm was assumed phenomenological-hermeneutical method, five (5) participants of the specialty were selected: Research Methods in Education, considered key informants, this selection was made using an intentional sampling supported by inclusion criteria. Experience in qualitative research Accessibility by the researchers to these key informants and willingness of the informants to answers the semi-structured interview consisting of two questions. The findings derived from the responses obtained from the informants indicate coincidence in defining qualitative research as a process focused on the dynamics of experiences, experience of the subjects for the description, interpretation of the phenomenon, research problem, whose basic characteristics is holistic, flexible, inductive.
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