Epistemological configuration that supports the study of environmental education for the formation of ecological citizenship

  • Joan Lozada Universidad del Zulia
  • Gerardo Valera Universidad del Zulia
  • Flor Durán Universitario San Francisco
Keywords: Epistemological configuration, qualitative research, paradigm, approach, ecological citizenship


The objective of this article is to present an approximation of the research approach, for this purpose a hermeneutic-interpretative epistemological position is assumed and a qualitative methodology is generally chosen; the interest in knowing is the understanding to be able to share and coexist, and hence the need to build meaning. The study under this paradigm, knowledge is the subjective and continuous construction of what gives meaning to the investigated reality as a whole where the parts signify each other and these in relation to the whole. Knowledge advances through common sense formulations that are enriched with new nuances and refined with better interpretations until arriving at increasingly true conjectures. Going through the organization of the data, the interpretation and application of techniques and instruments, which allow the most suitable change for the best performance of the investigation in such a way that the proposed objectives are rigorously fulfilled. All this is achieved under the postulates of Pérez (2005), Martínez (2004), Florez and Tobón (2004), among others.


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Author Biographies

Joan Lozada, Universidad del Zulia

Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Estudios Geográfico. Coordinador de Planificación de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de La  Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela

Gerardo Valera, Universidad del Zulia

Doctotante en Ciencias Humanas. Magister en Geografía, Mención Docencia. Profesor del Departamento Ciencias Sociales de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de la Universidad del Zulia.

Flor Durán, Universitario San Francisco

Doctorante en Educación. Magister en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos. Profesora del Instituto Universitario San Francisco. Maracaibo-Venezuela.


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How to Cite
Lozada, J., Valera, G., & Durán, F. (2024). Epistemological configuration that supports the study of environmental education for the formation of ecological citizenship. Omnia, 28(1), 100-115. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/omnia/article/view/41826