Desempeño docente y el desafío de la educación virtual

Teacher performance and the challenge of virtual education

  • Tania Leonora López Navia Unidad Educativa Fiscal Aníbal San Andrés Robledo. Ecuador.
Keywords: Teaching performance, Challenges, Virtual education


Given the situation that is experienced at the national and global
level due to the health emergency caused by the coronavirusthe authorities
saw the need to implement strategies such as teleworking, virtual
communication among others. So, to continue with the teaching-learning
processes the Ministry of Education of Ecuador developed the educational
plan titledLet's learn together at home, the same one that allows connectivity
between teachers and students, so this article aimed to analyze the
performance of the teacher before the application and use of technological
toolsdigital in accordance with the prioritized curriculum for the emergency,
theoretically it was based Sanabria (2020) and Salinas (2017), among others,
to achieve this goal a methodical documental analysis was followed,
obtaining as a result that of teachers have faced the challenge of using
technological tools, but that there are drawbacks that weaken the teaching
performance in the virtual field.


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How to Cite
López Navia , T. L. (2023). Desempeño docente y el desafío de la educación virtual : Teacher performance and the challenge of virtual education . Omnia, 27(1), 47-62. Retrieved from