Ugliness in gothic bestiaries iconography and its relationto the pancalistic vision of universe

  • Aspacia Petrou Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Concept of ugliness, Gothic Art, Bestiaries, iconographic representation of evil


Through centuries, the idea of evil and ugliness has nourished itselffrom different interpretations and concepts of philosophers and artists. Thishas permitted the building of a history of the aesthetical ideas about ugliness.Medieval thought made a Pancalistic interpretation of beauty that subordinates everything that is created to a Divine order. Such pancalism had its re-percussions in art. This research focuses on the iconographic and iconologi-cal analysis of the Gothic fantasy bestiaries as an artistic manifestation thatsymbolizes evil, strictly connected to pancalistic vision of the universe, whichconciliates aesthetical and theological topics. The image is analized as ameans of communication of evil, based on iconographic representations ofugliness. Also, the basic features of the Augustinian ́s ontology are described,specially, mostly, those related with the concept of evil.


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Author Biography

Aspacia Petrou, Universidad del Zulia

Licda. en Filosofía. Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela


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How to Cite
Petrou, A. (2018). Ugliness in gothic bestiaries iconography and its relationto the pancalistic vision of universe. Omnia, 24(2), 110-137. Retrieved from