About the Journal

Norms for the publication of articles

Authors should send manuscripts to the Journal Editor, along with a communication signed by the author(s), at the following address: Avenida Guajira. Ciudad Universitaria. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Bloque H, Oficina 110. Telephones: (0261) 4127902. Fax (0261) 4126308. E-mail: revistaomnia@ gmail.com.

  • Works can be essays or partial and final research results. They should be unpublished and not have been proposed simultaneously to other journals.
  • The works will be submitted for arbitration by an evaluating committee whose members will consider the relevance and pertinence of the theme, coherenceof the ideas presented, clarity of the discourse and the bibliographicalreferences, as well as compliance with the established editorial standards.
  • Length of the works should not be greater than 20 or less than 15 pages, written on one side only, on letter-sized paper, double spaced in Arial Font, 12 point, with consecutive Arabic page numbering, including the cover, illustrations and the bibliography. Do not exceed 1,500 characters per page.
  • Works should have no more than three (3) authors. Author(s) must submit a curricular summary along with the work, according to the following standards:
  1. Cover: should contain a brief curricular summary of the author(s); the title of the work; an abstract of no more than 150 words in Spanish and English which should include an introduction, objectives, theoretical referents, methodology, results and conclusions; and five (5) key words.
  2. Body of the work: should be divided into the introduction, development and final conclusions. Commentaries and footnotes should be reduced to a minimum.
  3. Bibliographic citations ought to appear in the development of the work using the author-date citation method, that is, the author's last name and the year of publication, which are incorporated within the text in the appropriate space. When the reference is textual, the number of the page from which the quotation was taken should appear after the date, separated by a colon (Romero,1999:33). If various pages are included, (Romero, 1999:33-34); and in the case of various authors (Romero et al., 1997:24).
  4. In bibliographic references, if an author has various works, these should be presented in alphabetical and chronological order. Dates and bibliographic references should coincide. If an author has various publications in the same year, the bibliography should be listed using letters (2007a y 2007 b).
  5. References must use the following order. In the case of books: last and first names, year of publication in parentheses, title of the book or journal in bold letters, place of publication, publisher, pages. Example: Tamayo T., Mario (1985). Metodología formal de la Investigación científica. México. Editorial Limusa, pp 25-27.
  6. For electronic sources, indicate the author and title of the work (if any), web page, date of publication and/or execution of the work (if indicated) and the date on which the material was consulted.
  7. For print media sources, a reference to informative and interpretive material that has no credits (author) should contain: name of the newspaper, abbreviated date, title of the work, city and country of circulation.
  8. Periodical Journals/Magazines: last names, first names, year in parentheses, title in quotation marks, name of the journal/magazine in bold letters, year, volume, number, place of publication, pages occupied by the article.
  9. Example: Borgucci, Emmanuel (2006). "Fundamentos teóricos de las políticas económicas neoconservadoras". Revista Omnia, Año 12, No. 3, Venezuela. Universidad del Zulia, pp 151-181.
  10. Tables and illustrations should be inserted in the body of the work, with Arabic numbering in the order in which they are mentioned, indicating the source and an explanatory note, if necessary. As far as possible, use only horizontal lines for diagramming tables.
  • Essays based on theoretical reflection are not subject to the previously described methodological standards; however, they should respect the APA editorial standards in their presentation.
  • Omnia reserves the right to:
  • Not publish those originals that do not adjust to the established standards. On the other hand, compliance with the standards does not guarantee publication, if the work is rejected by the arbiters.
  • Make stylistic corrections considered convenient, once the work has been accepted for publication.
  • Not return articles sent for publication.
  • Publish no more than one article per author during a year.
  • Articles will be received throughout the year.
  • Works will be received electronically only if sent from outside the country.